Ayurvedic Detox

Our body constantly eliminates toxins from our system without us having to go on a detox. However, sometimes our liver needs some extra support; a break from all the substances that load up our liver and doesn't give it the chance to function at its best.

During a detox we should nourish our body with easily digestible and nourishing foods. Therefore, we want to eliminate some of the most common substances that load our liver and interfere with the efficiency of the liver detoxification mechanism and add foods and spices that support our body to digest and eliminate the toxins out of our body.

Signs of an intoxicated body:

  • Tiredness
  • Allergies
  • Skin rashes
  • Weak immune system
  • Excess mucus & inflammations
  • Headaches
  • Hyperactivity
  • Abdominal tension due to gas accumulation
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia

What is included

4x Ayurvedic spice mixes* (50gr each with 20% discount)
10% discount on all other products**
6x 45 min group coaching calls
1x 30 min one-on-one coaching call
> 20 Ayurvedic recipes
1x Digital booklet
1x Grocery list
Private WhatsApp support group

*Madhura, Rasa, Lavana, Vyosha
** if ordered together with the detox

Next detox dates: 2nd - 11th of December 2024

Clients Feedback


I recently completed an Ayurvedic detox course with Alonga, and I must say that I feel amazing! The program was designed to reset my eating habits and promote overall wellness, and it definitely delivered.

The course was well-structured and easy to follow, with plenty of support and guidance from the Alonga team. They were always available to answer my questions and offer advice, which made the process much more manageable.

One of the things I appreciated most about the program was its emphasis on natural remedies and traditional healing practices. I felt like I was truly nourishing my body and spirit, rather than just trying to lose weight or cleanse my system.

Overall, I would highly recommend the Ayurvedic detox course with I’m Alonga to anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. It's an effective and enjoyable way to reset your eating habits and embark on a journey towards optimal health.

Alexandra B.




I am very happy to have participated in this detox. It was an educational 10 days to see how quickly a body starts to change - with the right diet and "knowing how" thanks to the competent advice and introduction to the Ayurvedic way of thinking by Ingrid and Cecilia.

These 10 days were impressive and more than a detox.

Thank you very much!

Annika T.

Mallorca, Spain


Liebe Ingrid,

ich danke Dir und Cecilia für die wunderbare Einführung in die Ayurvedawelt. Es war für mich fast erleuchtend, denn die 10 Tage Kur hat mich mental und körperlich weit nach vorne gebracht. Bislang habe ich jährlich eine Heilfastenkur eingelegt, die ich nun gegen eine regelmäßige Ayurvedakur tausche. Danke für die wertvollen Tipps, Impulse und der persönlichen Unterstützung, ich habe einen richtigen Energieschub bekommen und nehme für meinen neuen Alltag sehr viel mit.
Ganz liebe Grüße
Eure Corina

Corina D.


Personal coaching program

Have you always wanted to:

> improve your eating habits?

> understand your body better?

> make self-care a priority in your life?

> feel more confident in choosing and preparing better food for yourself and your loved ones?

> increase the overall well-being in your life?

Welcome to your program

Your personalised program will improve your health and well-being radically. Together, we'll explore the concerns that are specific to you and your body, and discover the tools you need to live in balance.

Over the course of the program, you will:
- Set and achieve goals
- Explore new foods
- Understand and reduce cravings
- Increase your energy
- Feel better in your body
- Improve personal relationships

Your 6-month program includes:
Two sessions per month, including:

- 12 one-hour personal coaching
- 10% discount on other group courses and day retreats
- E-mail support between sessions
- Handouts, recipes and other materials
- Monthly newsletter

Stay happy & healthy


Our Approach

We are all different with our strength and weaknesses. This uniqueness we have to recognise and value. Wether it is in a relationship, in our career or with our health and well-being. When it comes to our personal health and happiness the 'one-fits-all' approach does not work.

About Cecilia

Growing up with a mother who works in yoga, Ayurveda and well-being, I followed this path from a young age. During my bachelor's degree in International Business, I traveled to India to become a certified Hatha and Ashtanga teacher. After graduation, I immediately enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). As soon as I received my midterm certificate, I began coaching and felt my passion grow. To further deepen the knowledge of Ayurveda that I had received from my mother, I completed the 3-year Ayurvedic Healing Studies with David Frawley. I look forward to continuing to learn and share my knowledge.

The science of life

Since many years we travel to India for a pancha karma treatment with Dr. Sundara Raman. He widens our knowledge and inspires us with all his Ayurvedic experiences. Dr. Sundara is standing by our side to spread Ayurveda around the globe.

Ayurvedic Health Treatments with Dr. Sundara Raman