About Us
Growing up in Brazil and inspired by her great interest in health and a natural lifestyle, Ingrid completed her training as an Ayurvedic therapist. After studying economics, her youngest daughter Cecilia attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a holistic nutritionist. With this knowledge and the vision of promoting a healthy lifestyle through natural nutrition, mother and daughter founded the creative family business ALONGA® - an exclusive manufacturer of exquisite Ayurvedic spice blends and a center for yoga, Ayurvedic knowledge transfer and holistic health coaching.
When developing and processing their products, Ingrid and Cecilia are guided by their deep conviction for uncompromising quality, sustainability and the millennia-old science of Ayurvedic teachings.
The health aspects of Ayurveda as well as the incredible variety of flavors are the driving force behind Ingrid and Cecilia, as a kind of “flavor alchemists,” creating, roasting and processing their spice blends by hand.
The gentle roasting and grinding process of the exclusively organically certified spices preserves the essential oils and natural aromas. This process makes ALONGA® products a unique taste experience.
The ALONGA® spice blends are the soul of lovingly prepared dishes and stand for physical well-being and individual cooking pleasure.

Our team

Fernanda von Sydow
Iyengar Yoga teacher

Lara Perner
Graphic Designer